Text Reveal 2.0

Text Reveal 2.0 beta

Did you like "Text Reveal Animation"? Well it's like that. But better. "Text Reveal 2.0" is a complete rebuild of the original focused on more stable and expandable code. With this Version you can now create the animation character by character which is a lot of times the more desirable way of animating – especially for Headlines. Also it's all neatly packaged and hosted on an external server making it way easier to add to your page as well as being automatically updated for newer functions.


1. Default Styling

Lorem Ipsum

2. Default with slower speed

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

3. Default loading just once

Lorem ipsum

4. faster for longer Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

5. fast interval but slower transition speed

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

6. Reveal word by word

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

7. Bounce Transition

Lorem Ipsum

8. letter by letter fade

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

9. Different Style

Lorem Ipsum

10. Horizontal reveal

Reveal your headline in a horzotal style

11. Add custom Classes for a completely new style

100% your very own style


The Target is the most important parameter of this function. It defines to which element this animation should apply to. Elements can be targeted by their id like this #yourElement or by their class like this .your-element. For more complex selection it's also possible to use the full scope of CSS Selectors. You can find a list of all CSS Selectors here: w3schools.com/cssref/css_selectors.asp
Defines whether or not the animation should be restarted once the element gets out of view.
Speed of the transition of each letter (or word) from being out of view to being in the final position. This value is defined in seconds.
Delay between starting the transition of each letter (or word). The lower the number the faster the total transition time would be. This value is defined in milliseconds.
Defines how the elements are grouped together during the transition. The values available are "character" or "word".
The transition usually starts to play once the element is entering the viewport. You can add an offset to this moment by increasing the offsetShow value. That way you can make sure, that the animation only starts playing once more of it is actually in view. This value is defined in pixels.
The transition usually gets reset once the element is fully outside of the viewport. You can add an offset to this moment by increasing the offsetHide value. This value is defined in pixels.
"ease out Quint"
Set a custom transition for the characters (or words) to appear by. You can use the value "bounce" to quickly get a bounce transition or set your own values formated like this: cubic-bezier(.23, 1, .32, 1)
By changing the overflow parameter to "visible" you can achieve a very different animation. Be sure to pair this Parameter with an "initialOpacity" of "0" so that the characters (or words) don't just move up without being out of you in any way.
Change the initial opacity to have an extra bit of transition. Try to pair this Parameter with "overflow:visible" to achieve a new style of transition effect.
By default the initial position gets calculated for the character (or word) to be exactly out of view. Change this parameter to set this the out of view position to what you prefer. This value is defined in pixels.
By default Text Reveal 2.0 adds the the line-height set in the text field converted to pixel. If you want to use a different unit like vh or em you have to manually set the value with this parameter. Possible values could be "50vh", "1.1" or "1.6em". Attention: Always set the Attribute as a string.
Change the direction of the letters or words moving into view by modifiying the direction parameter. Options are "vertical" and "horizontal". This parameter works best when used with a letter by letter reveal selected (default).
To customize the animation even further you can add a custom class to each character or word by using this parameter.
Add a class which is added to each character or word on it's hidden state to customize the animation with custom css.


Attention: This code is linked to external files which might change or become unavailable in the future!

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